Me encargo de coordinar la planificación, la evaluación y el seguimiento de la acción del Gobierno Vasco, promover la Gobernanza pública -el gobierno abierto, eficiente y colaborativo- y formo parte de comisiones y organismos en los que se requiere una participación de distintos departamentos del gobierno
Koldobike Maximiñe Uriarte Ruiz de Eguino
Roles | Start date - End date |
Other positions in recent legislatures: | |
Directora de Coordinación (Lehendakaritza) | from 2009-06-26 to 2012-12-19 |
Koldobike Maximiñe Uriarte Ruiz de Eguino - News
The UPV assesses the Basque Open Government model
Irekia users rate the service provided by the Basque Government as "very good" in terms of transparency. The Basque Open Government model has reached the university. Specifically, the UPV where the model's activity is being assessed since it was set up by Lehendakari Patxi López, the Basque Premier, at the start of his term in office. The assessment process combines data analysis, on-line interviews, questionnaires, and in-depth analysis of the services that it provides and the needs that it satisfies among users. This process, which is still underway and you can take part by filling in a simple questionnaire, has so far shown that the Irekai platform users rate it "as very good, or that the topics that have generated most proposals from citizens are education-related.