The Basque Government's public administration electronic office up and running as of today is the access point to the electronic services of the Basque Autonomous Community (BAC) where you can carry out every operation with total confidence in a secure environment
The electronic office comes under and is managed by the Department of Justice and Public Administration
The Basque Government's electronic office, at, is up and running as of today and is the website that provides secure and easy access to the information and procedures of the Administration. Its construction has been a very important milestone in its Public Innovation Plan, as it is the fundamental component underpinning all the electronic services that the Government offers the general public. It is also one of the milestones towards full compliance of Act 11/2007, of 22 June, concerning Electronic Access of Citizens to Public Services.
If the electronic office had to be summed up in just two words, they would be access and confidence. It facilitates access to the BAC electronic services in a secure environment where you can carry out every operation with total confidence.
About the office
The electronic office of the Public Administration of the Basque Autonomous Community is a secure access point to the information and procedures for citizens, which guarantees the accuracy, completeness and currency of the information and services which can be accessed through the site.
Office identification system
The electronic office uses an electronic signature system based on secure device certificates to identify the user and guarantee secure communication. It is a certificate with extended validation (EV), which provides the user with an extra layer of protection. Visually, the owner of the website appears in green in the address bar.
Ownership and liability
The electronic office comes under and is managed by the Department of Justice and Public Administration.
Each of the entities and bodies that publish contents and services through the office is liable for that information, its accessibility, availability, completeness and security, pursuant to the legal requirements of this office.
Services and Tools of the Office
The Basque Government's electronic office contains:
- Information on the services provided by the Basque Government and how to consult, request and/or process it.
- Access to electronic procedures.
- My Procedures is where you can consult and process your pending cases.
- Access to the Official Gazette of the Basque Country (BOPV).
- Information on the public employment processes for the whole public sector of the Basque Autonomous Community.
- Information on the contractor's profile, i.e., information on the public procurement processes of the Basque Government.
- Other tools such as the payment gateway (My Payments) of the Basque Government, signing and verifying electronic documents.
Legislation - Electronic Office
The setting up of the electronic office of the Public Administration of the Basque Autonomous Community is in keeping with the legal requirements envisaged in Act 11/2207, of 22 June, concerning Electronic Access of Citizens to Public Services (LAECSP). The legislation lays down the need to define an electronic access point where contact can be established with the citizens with full guarantees regarding legal protection, accessibility, availability and responsibility. In the Second Heading, which regulates the legal standing of electronic administration, Chapter One considers the electronic office as an electronic directorate whose management and administration is entrusted to a Public Authority operating with full liability regarding the accuracy, completeness and currency of the information and service which can be accessed through the site.
Each Administration establishes the instruments to set up its electronic office. Thus, the Basque Government is going to set out in the Electronic Administration Decree, which is pending authorisation, how to design its office in order to guarantee the principles of official publication, liability, quality, security, availability and accessibility. Until the aforementioned Decree is published, the electronic office will be governed by Decree 232/2007, of 18 December, which regulates the use of remote control, IT and electronic resources in administrative procedures.
The current legislation is set out in:
- Act 11/2007 of 22 June, concerning Electronic Access of Citizens to Public Services (LAECSP).
- Decree 232/2007, of 18 December, which regulates the use of remote control, IT and electronic resources in administrative procedures.
2012 January 30
Comentario de Twitter: Tal y como lo "prometió" don @alorza :D (sede electrónica de las AA.PP. vascas) -
2012 January 31
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Gobierno Vasco Irekia :: El Gobierno Vasco pone hoy en funcionamiento la sede electrónica de la Admi -
2012 January 31
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RT @Irekia: @alorza nos explica en qué consiste la Sede Electrónica del Gobierno Vasco -
2012 January 31
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un reductor de ojeras YA! RT @Irekia @alorza nos explica en qué consiste la Sede Electrónica del Gobierno Vasco #eGov -
2012 February 1
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#confianza y #acceso RT @jordigraells: @alorza nos explica en qué consiste la #eSede del Gobierno Vasco #eGov -
2012 February 1
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RT @jordigraells: RT @Irekia @alorza nos explica en qué consiste la Sede Electrónica del Gobierno Vasco #eGov -
2012 February 1
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RT @Irekia @alorza nos explica en qué consiste la Sede Electrónica del Gobierno Vasco #eGov -
2012 February 2
Comentario de Twitter:
"@ccgonella: El Gobierno Vasco pone en funcionamiento la sede electrónica de la Administración publica #AAPP #eGov" -
2012 February 2
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RT @mcgbox: "@ccgonella: Gobierno Vasco pone en funcionamiento sede electrónica de Administración pública #AAPP #eGov" #eAdmin -
2012 February 2
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RT @mcgbox: "@ccgonella: Gobierno Vasco pone en funcionamiento sede electrónica de Administración pública #AAPP #eGov" #eAdmin -
2012 February 2
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"@ccgonella: Gobierno Vasco pone en funcionamiento sede electrónica de Administración pública #AAPP #eGov" #eAdmin -
2012 February 1
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El Gobierno Vasco pone en funcionamiento la sede electronica de la Administracion publica avances en #AAPP #eGov -
2012 February 1
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Eusko Jaurlaritzak Administrazio publikoaren egoitza elektronikoa jarri du martxan -
2012 January 31
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El Gobierno Vasco pone en funcionamiento la sede electronica de la Administracion publica -
2012 January 31
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RT @alorza: El Gobierno Vasco pone hoy en funcionamiento la sede electronica de la Administracion publica -
2012 January 31
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RT @alorza: El Gobierno Vasco pone hoy en funcionamiento la sede electronica de la Administracion publica -
2012 January 31
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RT @vcarretie: El Gobierno Vasco pone hoy en funcionamiento la sede electronica de la Administracion publica -
2012 January 31
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RT @alorza: El Gobierno Vasco pone hoy en funcionamiento la sede electronica de la Administracion publica -
2012 January 31
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El Gobierno Vasco pone hoy en funcionamiento la sede electronica de la Administracion publica #pordelantesiempre -
2012 January 31
Comentario de Twitter:
El Gobierno Vasco pone hoy en funcionamiento la sede electronica de la Administracion publica -
2012 January 31
Comentario de Twitter:
RT @alorza: El Gobierno Vasco pone hoy en funcionamiento la sede electronica de la Administracion publica