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Trip to Boise: Lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu to visit Morris Hill cementery and Ikastola

30 de July de 2015, 19:00 30 de July de 2015, 21:00 Trip to Boise: Lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu to visit Morris Hill cementery and Ikastola
2015 July 30 19:00 - 21:00
Cementerio de Morris Hill, Boise - Idaho, Boise
Politicians attending the event: Iñigo Urkullu Renteria, Cristina Uriarte Toledo, María Ángeles Elorza Zubiria, Asier Vallejo Itsaso, Ander Caballero Barturen, Jokin Azkue Arrastoa, José Ángel María Muñoz Otaegi
Other guests: Martin Bilbao, Presidente Euskal Etxea; Tyler Smith, Aita Antton, Cindy Schaffeld
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11:00 a.m - 12:30 p.m (Boise time)

Lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu to visit Morris HIll cementery and Ikastola.

  • Photo SN Robot
    2015 July 30

    Comentario de Twitter:
    Viaje a Boise: El lehendakari visita el cementerio de Morris Hill y la Ikastola http://t.co/SOAoeOKAMc animo @iurkullu

  • Photo SN Robot
    2015 July 30

    Comentario de Twitter:
    Viaje a Boise: El lehendakari visita el cementerio de Morris Hill y la Ikastola http://t.co/SOAoeOKAMc

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Politicians attending the event
(X term 2012 - 2016)
Other guests
  • Martin Bilbao, Presidente Euskal Etxea; Tyler Smith, Aita Antton, Cindy Schaffeld